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The Sacrament of Marriage is an old religious custom that cannot be performed on any day. In order to choose a date this year according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, there is a wedding calendar for 2020. Having compared the date with the wedding calendar 2020 and coordinated it with the priest in the chosen temple, the newlyweds will need to perform a number of preparatory activities preceding the Sacrament. A wedding is a crucial event that will make sense if the newlyweds take it seriously and with Faith in their hearts.
Orthodox wedding calendar
The wedding calendar is a list of dates on which it is allowed and favorably perform the ceremony of the Wedding. It changes annually, and the corresponding days are compiled for 2020. Dates for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage for 2020 will depend on the days of the week, twelve passing and non-passing holidays, multi-day and one-day fasts, and great Orthodox holidays.
Interesting! The twelfth holidays are the twelve most important, after Easter, holidays for Orthodox Christians. They are dedicated to events from the worldly life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin.
In the calendar, you can determine the most optimal period for yourself in time to complete all the preparatory moments, including those that are required by the ceremony, and associated with the celebration of the celebration. However, the priest who will conduct the ceremony will best help choose the most favorable date. It should be borne in mind that on the day chosen by the newlyweds without the consent of the priest, events may be held in the church that do not allow this rite to be performed (other Sacraments, patronal temple holidays, which are different in each church).
When you can’t get married
There are several basic rules according to which the Sacrament of Marriage is prohibited or undesirable:
- On the eve of fasting days - on Tuesday and Thursday.
- On Easter Eve (Sunday) - Saturday.
- On Easter - the Great Orthodox holiday, which has a different date every year.
- On the eve of other Great Orthodox holidays *.
- On the eve of the twelfth holidays **.
Interesting! The wedding rite is not forbidden to be held on the day of the twelfth holiday, but this is not welcome. Because personal little joy should not obscure the church holiday.
- In Cheese Week (Maslenitsa).
- In the period of Christmas time.
- In the Easter week.
Important! In other weeks (the Publican and the Pharisee, Trinity) wedding is not prohibited, but not desirable.
- During multi-day and strict one-day fasts.
- At night.
Deviation from these rules is possible only in exceptional situations and with the permission of the bishop.
Orthodox calendar 2020
In the calendar below, you can see the dates at which the wedding is allowed (marked in purple) to plan this important event. In total, there are 120 such days in 2020. The least favorable months for the Sacrament are March, April, and December, when there are many days of fasting. The largest number of days is from May to November.
The basic rules for preparing for the wedding
According to Orthodox doctrine, Marriage is a union between a husband, a wife, and Jesus Christ. The main goals of this sacrament are the unity of soul and body, complementarity and mutual assistance.Wedding is not a guarantee of a happy and cloudless family life. Combining the hearts and souls of lovers, it helps in daily work to create a happy relationship.
- In the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Sacrament is performed with a certificate of official state marriage. It is an additional factor in the seriousness of the intentions of a young family.
- Before planning the ceremony, it is advisable that the newlyweds study Orthodox literature telling about the Christian family. And they decided for themselves whether they are ready to embark on this path.
- There should not be any secrets between husband and wife that could negatively affect their relationship. Therefore, all disputes before the Sacrament should be resolved so as not to start a family life with anger in the soul.
- To perform the rite, it is recommended that both marriages be Orthodox Christians. However, it is sufficient if at least one of the spouses is baptized.
- On the eve of the Sacrament, it is necessary to confess and receive communion. And also talk with the priest about the upcoming event, its meaning.
For the rite itself you will need:
- icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God;
- wedding candles and white handkerchiefs to hold them;
- rushnyk;
- wedding rings;
- wine for communion.
A more accurate list of necessary attributes should be clarified directly with the staff of the selected temple.
Divorce is possible, but not welcome. There must be good reason for this. The clergy consider this a great sin, therefore, in some churches, before the Sacrament is performed, the newlyweds must undergo some tests, for example, in the form of a delay in the ceremony for a year.
The main reasons for the presence of which the priest may permit the dissolution of the marriage include:
- adultery;
- the abdication of one of the spouses from Orthodoxy;
- infection with infectious diseases, such as syphilis or leprosy;
- prolonged absence of one of the spouses, which can be ascertained as “missing”;
- if one of the spouses threatens the life and health of the other;
- mercantile marriage;
- severe psychological illness.
There is no such thing as a “divorce” in the church. A clergyman may give a blessing for a second union. However, the first in this case is not canceled. Re-marriage is a compulsory concession due to good reason, although it violates the ideal of holiness established by Jesus Christ.
Spiritual union is a serious action. And if a man and a woman decide on this step, then they should try to save their family, despite all the hardships and vicissitudes.
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