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If you want to see a real winter fairy tale in Samara, we suggest you find out what winter will be like in 2019-2020, when the first frosts will come to the region, what to expect from nature on New Year's Eve and for what periods a long-term forecast now promises worsening weather.
Features of climate and geographical location
Samara region is located in the zone of temperate continental climate. The region is located at a great distance from the seas and oceans, which is due to a greater extent and its climatic features.
For the Samara region are characteristic:
- pronounced seasonality;
- a significant difference between winter and summer temperatures (reaches 90 ºС);
- sharp changes in daily temperatures;
- short rainy autumn with early frosts;
- frosty winter with the formation of a stable snow cover;
- late spring with prolonged periods of cold weather, winds and squalls.
The first frosts in the region are possible at the end of September, and by the middle of November, truly winter weather sets in.
The central city of the region - Samara, annually attracts many travelers who want to enjoy the snowy winter. Many people choose this direction for the New Year holidays, because in Samara you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of a snow-covered city and take a walk under relatively comfortable weather conditions.
- the average temperature of the winter months in Samara is about -10 ºС;
- average humidity - 75%;
- snow cover in different years is from 35 to 75 cm (an average of about 50 cm);
- the maximum snow cover in the region is 106 cm (January 2007);
- the absolute minimum is -43 ºС (winter of 1942).
A more accurate understanding of what the temperature may be in December 2019, as well as in January and February 2020, will help the climate chart of Samara:
Of course, under the influence of global warming, the nature of winter weather in Samara has also changed somewhat. In particular, the temperature in the cold months rises more and more above the climatic norm, and sharp fluctuations in temperature per day can reach 10-15 degrees.
Weather Center Forecast
In anticipation of the new heating season, the Hydrometeorological Center traditionally announced its long-term forecast for the coming winter for different regions of Russia.
According to the data received, meteorologists promise weather for the winter of 2019-2020 in Samara and the region corresponding to the climatic norm of the region - the forecast promises a frosty and snowy winter, but without extreme peaks and serious disasters.
The first frosts in Samara can be expected already in early October, but the truly winter weather will become closer to mid-November. It is to this period that a stable snow cover usually forms in the region. It will not be an exception. According to weather forecasters, and the upcoming cold season.
Detailed monthly forecast
It is worth noting that the Hydrometeorological Center always predicts weather for the winter quite generally, without any specific dates. This is due to the fact that long-term forecasts have a low percentage of confirmation. It is possible to guess the weather only in 60-80% of cases.
Does this mean that such forecasts cannot be trusted? The ultra-long-term forecast is based on long-term observations of weather conditions and characteristic periods of warming and cooling, normally present in the region every year.After reviewing the information provided, you can get a fairly accurate picture of what the winter of 2019-2020 will be like in Samara and the region.
December 2019
Since the frosty and snowy winter in the region will begin even before the calendar, the city will meet the beginning of December in a festive New Year's robe.
The last month of 2019 will be frosty and snowy. In the daytime, the temperature will occasionally approach zero, while at night severe frosts will fall in Samara. On separate dates, the columns of the thermometers will drop to the level of -17 ºС and even -20 ºС.
New Year's Eve will not be very cold, but snowy. Nature will give residents and guests of the city an unforgettable Christmas tale.
January 2020
It will snow in the beginning of 2020. But, when the clouds disperse, along with clear weather, severe frosts will descend on Samara. It is expected to reach -24 ºС during the day, and -33 ºС at night. Cooling will be sharp, strong, but short-lived. By Christmas, the temperature swing will soar, breaking the zero mark.
The middle of the month will be snowy. Severe snowstorms and ice are possible on days when the daytime temperatures reach positive values.
Temperature jumps will fully demonstrate all the instability of the Samara climate and the versatility of local winters, which can be showered with magnificent fluffy snow, in a few hours covered with ice rain.
February 2020
The last winter month will bring with it two periods of severe cooling. Short frosts at the beginning of the month will reach a peak value of -32 ºС, while at the end of the month the thermometer columns may drop even lower, to the level of -37 ºС.
With the advent of calendar spring, winter will not rush to leave Samara. According to preliminary forecasts, severe night frosts will linger in the region for at least a few more weeks, weakening only by the beginning of April.
About what will be the winter in 2019-2020 in Samara can be judged by the weather of the past summer. Our ancestors noticed that such signs often come true:
- bountiful harvest of bread - to a harsh winter;
- rainy summer - to snowy and frosty winters;
- rainy summers and warm mild autumn - to lingering winter cold;
- stormy summers - to severe snowstorms.
Our ancestors also noted the weather on church holidays in August. It was believed that they indicate what the weather will be like in the coming winter months.
Plainly determine the severity of the upcoming season, plants and animals. But it is worth watching the inhabitants of forests and parks. Domestic cats and dogs, which have access to warmth and hearty food all year round, lose the gift of prediction given by nature, since they do not need to prepare for the cold.
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