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For the autumn-winter period 2019-2020, which is the peak for diseases with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, a list of recommended sera has already been compiled. This list includes drugs that will be most effective against influenza strains expected in 2019-2020. In this list there is the drug "Influvac", which has confirmed its effectiveness over the past several seasons.
You can buy this tool yourself in pharmacies or in clinics, but you must first consult with your family doctor or local therapist. It will not be superfluous to independently familiarize yourself with this drug in more detail.
About serum
The vaccine was developed by pharmacologists in the Netherlands in the first half of the 80s of the last century. It was presented to consumers by the pharmacological company Abbott Biologicals BV. It entered the post-Soviet market more than 35 years ago and has been successfully used as a preventive measure of immunization against influenza, which is active against the most common and dangerous strains.
The spread of this influenza vaccine is facilitated by an affordable price category along with the high quality of the drug, which ensures the absence of negative results for the body and allows its use for all age groups of people. The cost of Influvac flu serum currently ranges from 220-320 rubles, but since the shelf life is 12 months from the date of issue, it is not recommended to purchase it for immunization in the period 2019-2020. It is undesirable to use a drug with an expiration date, which will soon end.
Affordable price and optimal quality make the Influvac vaccine the most used alternative to free means for mass immunization, as it is available to a wide range of consumers.
Composition and ingredients
Since the vaccine is three-component, the main active ingredients are the antigens of three influenza strains from categories A and B. The public knows these strains under the names California, Brisbane and Hong Kong influenza, which pose a special danger of the ability to cause serious complications.
The main components may vary slightly from season to season. This happens if the expected strains differ from last year. This point should also be considered when buying immunization products.
The main active ingredients of the Influvac vaccine are surface-active antigens, which ensure the effectiveness of the drug. In addition to them, there are other ingredients necessary for maintaining the vaccine in working condition until it is introduced into the body and for better perception and formation of the response of the immune system. In percentage terms, the composition contains most of all sodium chloride, which is a physiological solution that is easily perceived by the body.
Among the excipients are the following:
- formaldehyde;
- polysorbate 80;
- sucrose;
- gentamicin.
They are necessary as preservatives and preserving the active structure of substances.But it is these components of the vaccine that most often cause allergic reactions in people prone to allergies.
A three-component drug for influenza is a complex pharmacological agent that must meet the requirements stated in the description.
General properties
On sale "Influvac" is presented in the form of disposable syringes. Each of them is placed in individual sealed packaging. The capacity of each syringe is 0.5 cm3. Only vaccine should be purchased in a cardboard box with the obligatory indication of the time of manufacture.
Inside the syringe is a clear, colorless liquid. The main action is provided by substances that create a direct chain of antigen-antibody produced by the immune system in response to the introduction of serum.
Extensive clinical studies have shown high efficacy. According to official data, 95% of vaccinated people, on average, revealed their own antibodies to the introduced strains after two weeks. The activity of the immune system in relation to these pathogens persists from six months to a year, after which vaccination should be repeated to maintain the desired effect. In older people and children, the end of the period of protection after the introduction of serum, as a rule, occurs earlier than in adults.
In most cases, after immunization, even when in contact with patients, influenza infection stops at the very initial stages. In an extreme case, the disease goes away in a short time and in a very mild form.
Side effects
After vaccination with Influvac, side effects may occur. Most often they appear in this way:
- headache;
- a slight increase in temperature;
- hyperthermia at the injection site of serum;
- weakness;
- muscle pain;
- heavy sweating (especially at night);
- pain at the injection site.
All such manifestations develop only in rare cases and should pass in 3-4 days without medical attention. If symptoms after vaccination become severe, seek medical attention.
Instruction manual
Inside the cardboard packaging there must be an instruction with a detailed description of the Influvac preparation and recommendations for its use. It indicates that the vaccine is used as a preventive agent for the prevention of influenza (in the 2019-2020 season, it is advisable to immunize in the period from September to October 2019 to develop stable immunity before the beginning of the ARVI season).
Influvac vaccination in 2019-2020 is indicated for people of all age categories except infants under 6 months of age.
For children aged 6 months to 3 years, the drug is prescribed in a reduced dosage - 0.25 cm3. The introduction of this amount is carried out twice in the fall with maintaining the interval per month, so in the case of this age group, immunization can begin at the end of August. According to the same scheme, children of preschool age and patients with immunodeficiency are vaccinated, using the appropriate dosage.
For the remaining categories, a single administration of a full dose (0.5 cm3) at the indicated dates of 2019, which will provide stable immunity to influenza for 2019-2020.
Influvac serum has been used successfully for pregnant women and nursing mothers. No detrimental effect on the fetus or on the baby when ingestion of components through the placenta and breast milk has not been established.
Contraindications to use are:
- allergy to any of the components of the product;
- a sharp reaction that arose after a previous immunization;
- acute or chronic diseases during relapse;
- high temperature for no apparent reason;
- 1-3 months of pregnancy.
Method of administration
Before injection, the injection site must be treated with a disinfecting antiseptic solution.For an injection, sites with a minimum level of subcutaneous fat are selected. In children, this is the middle third of the thigh (quadriceps), in adults - the shoulder (deltoid muscle). Subcutaneous administration is also acceptable.
The introduction of "Influvac" in the buttock is not recommended.
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that intravenous injection for this substance is strictly prohibited.
Special notes
There are no performance limitations after vaccine administration. With the independent purchase of the drug in a pharmacy, it should be remembered that before administration it should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. If these requirements are not met, the active substances cease to be effective even if the expiration date has not yet expired.
In order to avoid the use of the expired Influvac influenza vaccine in the 2019–2020 season, it is recommended to use only the one that was released no earlier than January 1, 2019.
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