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The Chinese astrological horoscope for 2020 according to the signs of the zodiac promises a period favorable for any kind of activity. During the reign of the White Metal Rat, no cataclysms are foreseen. The year of the Earth element under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn portends success in undertakings, stability, financial well-being. To use the arrangement of stars with maximum benefit, one should make a rule to avoid spontaneous decisions, attempts to get rich quickly. The path to success, prosperity should be phased, devoid of risks.
For Aries, everything is going well. The only obstacle to the dream will be the innate stubbornness of the sign. A little less aggression, intolerance, vanity with a little more gentleness, will achieve amazing results. A position that was hardly dreamed of a few months ago would suddenly be available.
Constant bad mood will provoke intestinal pain, heartburn, nervous exhaustion. As soon as the attitude towards life changes, unpleasant symptoms will subside. Summer risks starting with health problems. In order not to provoke a complication of chronic diseases, you need to carefully increase immunity, monitor nutrition, increase hemoglobin.
Women rarely get married early. They choose a life partner for a long time, often guided by mercantile considerations. In the year 2020, chances to marry a man of a higher social status will increase. Those ladies who can quickly take advantage of the situation will benefit. Men expect love success with the prospect of creating a family. Married and married Aries have to learn to give in, otherwise scandals are inevitable.
The long-awaited period of moderate growth, stability, a leisurely triumphant march along the career steps comes. Over the years, people of this sign learn to be more cunning, dodgy. The straightforwardness inherent in their nature, openness is changed by flexibility, the ability to restrain emotional impulses. For Taurus wise in everyday life, this will be a particularly successful year in the field of social growth.
Representatives of the sign who have problems with joints, gastrointestinal tract, throat, and vision can exacerbate chronic pathologies. The combination of non-traditional methods of treatment with the recommendations of doctors will give a positive result. A regular full rest will benefit, as well as observing the regime of the day.
A home is a place to which a sign has special feelings. Family, loyalty to traditions, thrifty are the hallmarks of men and women of this constellation. When Taurus is nearby, you don’t have to worry about daily bread, about what to dress or put on shoes. In addition to caring for everyday needs, they tend to reach for comfort, aesthetics.
A subtle perception of beauty with a sober look at everyday needs makes Taurus an attractive companion for many less practical or less romantic representatives of the zodiac. In the year of the White Rat, love will be mutual, passionate, sincere.
Fans of quick victories, sudden earnings, spontaneous trips, it will be better to reconsider life priorities.Metal Rat loves dimensionality, predictability, planning. She hates momentary decisions, improvisation. If the Gemini wants to be rich, they will have to adhere to the rules of behavior of the astrological symbol. The desire to work in one place is welcome.
In autumn, the risk of infectious intestinal diseases increases. You should avoid consuming raw tap water, unwashed vegetables, and fruits. It is best to refuse a quick snack in roadside cafes. Particular attention should be paid to the genitourinary system. Frequent weakness, malaise, pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back should alert. Representatives of the sign avoiding doctors often drive themselves into a corner, turning a common cold into a chronic disease.
A love front will delight you with a reliable relationship. The year will provide an opportunity to conclude a profitable long-term alliance. The twins will not miss the chance, they will become happy owners of the family nest, with which they will get a higher social status.
At work, an aggravation of relations with colleagues is possible. It will be necessary to show patience, foresight, so as not to be drawn into intrigue. Cancers will have to find a common language with their superiors, otherwise their efforts against the background of a general nervous situation may go unnoticed. In the summer it will seem that career growth should be forgotten, but the circumstances will improve dramatically.
So that health does not fail, you can not run small sores. Most of the men and women of the Constellation are rarely involved in the prevention of complications, do not care about what they eat, drink. It will be useful for them to reconsider their culinary preferences in favor of useful combinations, make it a rule to drink vitamin complexes, and visit a dentist more often.
Love at crayfish is a battlefield, where everything is peaceful and smooth, now out of nowhere, misunderstanding grows, and there is a danger of a break. Under the influence of the white symbol, married men will cease to remember former girlfriends, and bachelors will be tired of freedom. Married ladies will want to flirt with her husband, and colleagues at work will suddenly suddenly cease to cause interest. Year 2020 is perfect for building strong relationships, trust, and having children.
a lion
Lions can build relationships with people. For colleagues, they are excellent colleagues, always rushing to help, and the authorities see in them those whom you can rely on. Such popularity is provided not by excessive hard work, but the ability to find a common language with everyone, the ability to be in the right place on time. The White Rat will bring success to businessmen and self-employed, helping to see new perspectives.
The weak point of many Lions is the lungs. It is important to undergo a routine examination in time, to avoid bad habits. Men who love to flaunt their physical abilities should not overdo it, otherwise you can tear yourself up. Women benefit from gymnastics. Separate nutrition will help keep the body fit.
Lions are prone to cheating or flirting, but they relate to the official soulmate with special respect and care. For them, an affair on the side means nothing. They like to admire themselves, they like to catch admiring glances on themselves, to win hearts. However, after another victory, each of them returns to the bosom of the family with the most innocent look. Under the influence of the Rat, the desire to look around in search of another hobby will decrease. Lviv will pull home, to family warmth and comfort.
Diligence not to occupy the Virgin. They rarely sit idle if they like work. If the profession is uninteresting, then they either change it or work it out “from bell to bell” without worrying about a career. Representatives of the sign are able to achieve the location of higher authorities. If they set a goal, they will step over all obstacles for the sake of victory. Year 2020 for the Virgin will be successful in every sense.
Low immunity causes frequent illnesses, physical weakness. Regular gymnastics, weight control, giving up bad habits, daily stay in the fresh air will benefit.It is useful to remember old diseases, periodically take tests to make sure that the situation is under control.
The virgin is arrogant, proud, often alone. She attracts the opposite sex to herself, but rarely is she ready for close relationships. Her exaggerated demands, outright cynicism become a cause of fading interest. New Year, from its very beginning, will provide an opportunity to find true love. This is a great chance for happiness, but you will need to learn to control the desire to dominate.
Weights will have vigorous activity, which will please with good results, high income. The year promises the thoughtful, hardworking, neat, corrosive, economical representatives of the Constellation all-round support in all endeavors. An excess of finance should be invested in real estate, the purchase of profitable assets, but some part will still have to be kept in a “stocking”.
Scales need to constantly strengthen their immunity, as they tend to attract seasonal viruses. Fresh air, morning walks or jogging, plenty of drinking, yoga, good nutrition will help to correct chronic diseases, improve vitality. Teeth will need to be given special attention in the second half of the White Rat period.
Love will be a pleasant surprise for those who are free. It will suddenly become clear to married and married that the second half was not chosen by chance by them. Understanding this will allow you to forget the grievances, will help to restore the old romantic feelings. From Libra some indulgence is required to those who are near: a little less requirements, a little more unconditional love.
Those who find it difficult to obey the employer will have to reduce their ardor, otherwise you can forget about the increase in wages and status. Scorpions are easily given money by participating in different adventures, so many do not try to stay in one place, often change their sphere of activity. This approach to the method of earning Metal Rat does not accept. Those who wish not to spoil relations with the mistress of the year will benefit from constancy in choosing a job.
Scorpions are in good health. Viral diseases are easily tolerated by them. The threat of physical activity can be inflammatory processes of internal organs, which at the initial stage are easily treated with well-chosen therapy. Conclusion: in order to timely correct the ailment, it is necessary to undergo an examination at the first signs of the disease. November will be especially dangerous for health.
Scorpios are attractive, they are constantly in the circle of interested parties, therefore, they are not immediately determined with a choice. Half of them get married early or get married, but then get divorced. The other half is drawn to the last before starting a family. Under the tutelage of the White Rat, they will have a real romantic adventure, threatening to end in love, even marriage. This is a great time to settle down, start thinking about living together, children.
Emotional, creative, impetuous Sagittarius tend to silently wait for the attention of the authorities. For decades they have been investing in the implementation of company projects, secretly hoping that their work was noticed. However, one cannot be surprised at the hard work of an employer. You also need to be able to become indispensable, in demand, for which sometimes you will have to compromise on concepts of self-worth. For those who manage to overcome the desire to remain silent and noble, fate will help them to obtain the desired position.
In summer, the skin will cause trouble with constant rashes. In order not to turn a small rash into non-healing ulcers, it is necessary to abandon dubious self-medication. You will also need to check the endocrine system.The secret of health here is simple: balance in everything, light sports, more plain water, timely examination by a doctor.
While Sagittarius loves, he is faithful, caring, happy. As soon as feelings subside, a desire appears to run away from the relationship. The result of this behavior is frequent breaks, notoriety. In the current period it will not be difficult to get carried away seriously. Mutual love will please with the absence of obstacles for the formation of strong bonds. If Sagittarius is not afraid of a serious relationship, he will be happy.
This is the third sign of the Earth element, along with Taurus, Virgo. Like Rat, Capricorn attracts stability and wealth. Work for him is a way to make money, and the moral side of work rarely becomes the main criterion for choice. The end of spring will seem dull, but by the beginning of summer, the financial situation will improve significantly, will correspond to old dreams. At work, everything is fine: subordinates do not like, but obey, and the bosses are pleased to note high rates.
Capricorn's health is always better than they think of themselves. Women who are prone to suspicion often corner themselves with contrived problems. Men are prone to disappointment, apathy. In addition to mental disorders, the risk of getting another flu increases in the fall. If there are no regular actions aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body, then the sign is often sick.
I want to create an alliance with Capricorn. They inspire confidence, seem positive. Their craving for a good standard of living, tasty home-cooked food, cleanliness, hoarding add to them even greater reliability in the eyes of the opposite sex. In the year 2020 it will not be difficult to organize your own happiness. There will be no single men and women of this constellation.
They are unlikely to understand the values that are important to the Metal Rat, and that, in turn, will be shocked by their ability to change. Able to change their dreams and habits, intolerant of the limitations of stereotypes, easily receiving money, but calmly left with empty pockets, Aquarius at first will not like the symbol of the year. Therefore, the first months will be unsuccessful. Stagnation at work will be replaced by a profitable offer by autumn, new options for earning will appear.
These people, if they decide to live right, then come to fanaticism. They can engage in winter swimming, completely abandon drinking and fried foods, calmly walk several kilometers on foot in any weather in order to improve health. Since everything here depends on the will of Aquarius himself, the Rat does not have a special effect: he who cares about the body will be healthy, and who neglects this care or is attached to bad habits will be sick.
The concept of fidelity is alien to Aquarius, but they are still passionately loved. They come back to them again and again, they are always remembered. White Rat wants to help with the creation of a family. If Aquarius wants, he will be surrounded by love, care, affection. It remains to make a choice.
The professional field for these representatives of the Zodiac family always brings career take-off. A promotion is followed by a good salary, new connections. Under the influence of the year 2020, Pisces will be "their own" among the elite. This is a time of career growth, new projects, strengthening the position of business in the market. This is a time of victory over competitors.
Pisces' health is predominantly excellent. Of course, due to an increase in the working pace, a sense of dynamics will grow, which will take on alarming proportions and deprive of sound sleep. Keeping in the right rhythm without losing lightness will help adjust the regime, additional stimulants: massage, a visit to the gym, swimming.
Fish are often unstable, but not under the supervision of a Rat. Right now, they will meet a person who wants to rely on. They are waiting for romance, passion.At the end of summer, those who are still lonely will meet a person with whom they will succeed in connecting fate. Autumn is the best time for a wedding celebration.
General tips
Under the influence of the Metal Rat, many will have a desire to settle down, decide on future plans. This is a good, productive time, the features of which should be used without hesitation. To earn more, to love stronger, you should think over your steps from the beginning of the year and look not for minute pleasures, but for strong reliable relationships.
You can like the White Metal Rat:
- adopting her life priorities;
- devoting more time to one’s own health;
- strengthening relationships within the family;
- Stably working, spending less.
This is a great time for love, improving social status, finding a job with decent earnings.