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Russian scientists look forward to February, because this month their professional holiday is celebrated. Russian Science Day in 2020 will be celebrated throughout the country. It was established as a token of gratitude to physicists, mathematicians, chemists and other scientists who give people new inventions and simplify life.
Date and history of the holiday
Russian Science Day in 2020 will be celebrated on February 8th. This is a young holiday that appeared at the end of the 20th century. In 1999, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree on making this solemn day in the list of professional holidays.
February 8 was not chosen by chance, since it was on this date that the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded about three hundred years ago.
This happened in 1724 by decree of Peter I. The St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and Sciences became the first specialized scientific institution to open in Russia. The historical name was returned to her again after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The RAS is by far the largest scientific center in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which can be considered the development of the natural sciences and the humanities.
What holiday was in the Soviet Union
In Soviet times, on the third April Sunday, it was customary to celebrate the Day of Soviet Science. The date was chosen based on the time of writing V.I. Lenin of his scientific article (from April 18 to 25), which was the first work to determine the development of Soviet science in the Soviet Union.
Further research and discoveries by Soviet scientists made a huge contribution to world history. It was in the USSR that they launched the nuclear power plant for the first time, developed astronautics and created an artificial satellite. Many scientists became Nobel Prize winners in mathematics, medicine, physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc. M. Lomonosov, I. Pavlov, S. Korolev did much to realize the country's potential and improve economic development. Many of the scientists sacrificed their health or personal life in the name of experimentation.
UN holiday
It is also customary to celebrate World Science Day, dedicated to development and peace. It is celebrated in the fall, namely November 10th. The holiday is due to the organization of UNESCO, the idea of which was first voiced in 1999. Already in 2001, the holiday received official status and began to be celebrated in all countries.
Darwin Day
In addition to the mentioned holiday under the auspices of the UN, there is also the so-called Darwin Day. Its celebration falls on the birthday of the famous English scientist - February 10.
Darwin Day was first celebrated in 2001 in the United States of America. Having gained great popularity, he spread throughout the world.
February 8 is not an official weekend in Russia, but for scientists it becomes a festive and solemn day. It is accepted to carry out the following events:
- scientific institutions conduct lectures and seminars for everyone;
- often on this day they defend dissertations;
- academicians, laboratory assistants and other employees congratulate each other;
- corporate events and other special events are held;
- awards are awarded for achievements.
On February 8, various institutions set up tables at which professional topics are discussed. On this day, you can congratulate not only those who are directly related to science, but also:
- diligent students;
- high school students and students who are going to connect adult life with science;
- teachers and educators;
- PhDs and professors;
- researchers;
- medical staff.
Gifts can be chosen based on the personal preferences of the person, or choose what will be useful to him in everyday life. It can be a personalized watch, gloves, navigator, perfumes, accessories for gadgets, souvenirs, stationery, briefcase. It will not be superfluous for women to hand flowers. The heroes of the occasion will appreciate the care and attention shown.
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