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Starting January 1, 2020, Russian pensioners will be indexed by 6.6%, which is 0.9% lower than in 2019. Given that the average pension is 14.8 thousand rubles, we are talking about an increase in 977 rub The specified norm applies only to those who, upon reaching a well-deserved rest, have not got a different job or receive other income.
The authorities did not deprive the working pensioners of their attention. Despite the fact that the annual indexation will bypass them, the payments due to them will also grow a little - an average of 300 rubles. The point is the recount, which is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) every year on August 1. As working pensioners continue to make insurance premiums, the amount of pensions will gradually increase.
Insurance and social pensions
Insurance pension - monetary allowance, which is paid once a month as compensation for salaries or other lost income.
Recipients are the following persons:
- Citizens who have taken a well-deserved rest after reaching the legal age.
- Disabled, if there is at least one day of work experience.
- Disabled family members of the deceased insured breadwinner who were dependent on him.
The indicated money is paid out of insurance premiums. In addition to them, a fixed fixed amount has been established, the amount of which is subject to annual indexation, taking into account indicators of the inflation rate for the past year.
All insurance pensions will be indexed in January 1, 2020 by 6.6% (in 2019, the coefficient was slightly higher - 7%).
Social pension - the amount of money transferred on a regular basis at the expense of the state budget in order to materially support vulnerable categories of Russian citizens.
She relies on the following circle of persons:
- Pensioners by age who, for whatever reason, have not earned seniority.
- Disabled people of all groups.
- Orphans.
- Residents of the Far North.
- Those who went on a well-deserved rest after years of service (civil, law enforcement, military service workers).
Unlike insurance coverage, when assigning social benefits, it does not matter how much money was transferred by these persons to the treasury.
Social pensions promise to index from April 1, 2020 by 7% (in 2019, the April indexation coefficient was only 2%).
Who does not index pensions
As noted above, working retirees may not wait for indexation from the beginning of 2020. It will concern only those Russian citizens who receive old-age insurance benefits and are not officially employed anywhere.
The only thing workers have the right to rely on is to recount the FIU, but the increase in this case will be 3 times lower and will amount to about 300 rubles.
Previously, inflation compensation for working retirees was frozen for 3 years. This decision of the authorities was dictated by the fact that this category of citizens receives additional income from full or partial employment after going on a well-deserved rest. Currently, individual parliamentarians are raising the question of lifting a moratorium on at least those of working pensioners who have a disability. In response to this, the head of government instructed to consider the possibility of indexing social benefits for disabled people of the first and second groups as early as 2020.
As officials promise, older workers will be able to return lost funds in case of refusal of official employment (after dismissal or reduction of staff), starting from 2016 (the date of entry into force of the relevant law).
For example, if for the period of work payments were indexed by 14%, the total premium for all years will be received by them 30 days after the date of termination of employment.
How to change payments to unemployed pensioners
Starting January 1, 2020, as a result of indexation, payments to unemployed pensioners and those receiving insurance payments will increase by 6.6%.
According to the plans of officials, if economic indicators allow, the growth of insurance coverage will continue in the same dynamics until 2024, as a result of which this category of people will receive an increase of at least 6 thousand rubles to their current monetary allowance, which is 40% higher than the existing indicator.
According to relevant legislation, recalculation in connection with inflation is carried out in 2 stages:
- from February 1 using the consumer price index (monthly level of change in prices of goods and services included in the consumer basket) for the past year;
- Happy April, 1if revenue allows the FIU.
In the second case, when the annual growth index of the average Russian salary exceeds the annual growth index of the value of consumer goods for the same period, a premium to the insurance amount is paid in the amount of the difference between these indices.
Upcoming Pension Reforms
2020 will be the beginning of the second stage of a large-scale pension reform in Russia. First of all, the increase in age to go on a well-deserved rest due to old age will continue. Now men will be able to retire upon reaching 61.5 years (earlier than 60 years), women — 56.5 years (before 55 years), that is, an increase in seniority will be 1.5 years.
The expected changes will affect the so-called "beneficiaries", which include teachers and doctors. If until recently they could afford to retire for working out 25-30 years (depending on the region), now now the necessary experience for this will also increase by 1.5 years.
Meanwhile, information appeared in a number of media that due to failures with past transformations in the social sphere, namely, the lack of budget savings from increasing the age of Russians' retirement on well-deserved rest, pension funds across the country in 2020 are waiting for mass checks by prosecution authorities.
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