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In 2020, the White Metal Rat enters into its rights, which favorably affects the implementation of ideas and plans. Astroprognosis for 2020 for all signs of the zodiac advises to minimize the amount of negativity, since the Rat helps honest, responsive and decent people. So, what will be the forecast of astrologers for 2020?
Aries is a fiery sign to which the warlike Mars will patronize. Therefore, representatives will feel an unprecedented surge of energy and will be able to achieve the goal that they have long set for themselves. You should moderate the stubbornness, which can prevent this.
Aries will lack decisiveness, but do not give up - it is better to drop a dull mood and strive for excellence. The rat will have a beneficial effect on the personal and professional aspects of life. In relations in the summer you will notice improvements - the marriage will become stronger, and lonely Aries should expect a lot of new acquaintances. At work, you will have the opportunity to hone skills and increase your salary. If the authorities do not notice the effort, it's time to think about a job change.
Taurus have good sociability, which often helps them out in difficult situations. In addition, they are incredibly charming! Therefore, the astro-forecast for 2020 advises using these qualities in order to achieve success in the professional sphere or business.
Taurus in the new year needs to focus on the development of new skills. Even a new hobby will bring representatives of the zodiac sign a lot of pleasure and help relieve stress in difficult life circumstances.
Family is the most important thing for Taurus, they honor traditions and homeliness. The more free time they devote to family cares, the stronger relationships and bonds will be. In general, the year of the Rat promises to be stable and successful.
In the year of the White Rat, Gemini needs to cast off laziness, make efforts and how to work hard. This does not apply to any particular period - you will have to work hard for 12 months. If the representatives of this zodiac sign do not give up and go to their goals, they will have excellent financial profit.
The symbol of the year loves dimensionality and planning, therefore the decisions made must be well balanced - no improvisation!
Twin women will be very popular this year. What does it mean not only free ladies who are in search of a partner, but also about married women. In order not to regret your actions, it is better to limit yourself to a light flirt. Single Gemini can count on marriage.
In the past year, it often seemed to the Cancers that all the efforts and efforts made remained invisible to others. But the astrological forecast for 2020 portends an improvement in financial standing and personal relationships. Cancers will be able to demonstrate what they really stand for.
You should expect an aggravation of relations with some employees, because patience, a sense of humor and foresight will become the most useful qualities. If the Cancers manage to find a common language with their superiors, an increase can be expected. In the summer it will be difficult to believe, but in the autumn the long-awaited changes will come.
It is recommended to pay attention not only to the professional industry, but also to your health. Nutrition control, sufficient physical activity, disease prevention - this is not to be missed. Eliminating alcohol and changing addictions in cooking is simply necessary.
The love of the representatives of this sign in the new year will be in second place after work. Married men will forget about their past passions and focus on family life, while married ladies will want to flirt with their husbands and delight them every day. Year of the Rat is perfect for creating a strong family.
a lion
At the very beginning of the year, Lions can lay the foundation for a new and successful business. The preparation and preliminary stages will be successful, and by the fall it will be possible to reap the first fruits of hard work. If the Lions do not hesitate and grab at every opportunity, the year of the Rat promises to be magical.
The ability of Lviv to build relationships with people is useful at work. Co-workers will help in difficult stressful situations, and the boss will understand that he can rely on his ward. 2020 Leo businessmen will give new perspectives.
Representatives of this sign are rather frivolous in terms of love relationships. Usually they like to flirt and can even change, but nevertheless they relate to the second half with adoration. If the Lions want to go “to the left,” in 2020 this could lead to serious conflicts and even separation.
New Year will help Virgo to distribute forces and energy in order to keep up with important things. If in the winter they begin to fulfill long-standing plans, they will soon notice an improvement in their financial situation, well-being and love relationships. In the pursuit of dreams, one should not forget about the closest people, including friends.
Virgo is a very hardworking sign, they are not used to sitting idle. However, if they are not interested in the work, they are used to delaying its implementation or not doing it at all. Disease can interfere with the implementation of goals. Due to low immunity and improper daily routine, Virgo will be held hostage to colds and poor health. You should remember about healthy sleep and good nutrition, since snacks at work will not lead to anything good.
Pride and arrogance of Virgos can hinder the development of relationships. The horoscope recommends slightly lowering the requirements so that the opposite sex does not lose interest. Year of the Rat will give a chance to find your happiness and strengthen existing relationships.
In 2020, Libra should find a balance between personal life and work. Skewing in any of these areas will bring a lot of misunderstanding and conflict. If the sign goes headlong into a love relationship, then it runs the risk of missing opportunities at work, and vice versa. Immersion in professional affairs can ruin a relationship with a lover.
The year should be very neat and thoughtful financially for Libra. Even with large cash receipts, reckless purchases or large investments should not be made. Also, do not lend money.
Free representatives of the sign will be given opportunities for new relationships. Perhaps the person whom they have known for a long time will open from a new perspective. Married / married Libra will appreciate their soul mate in a new way, this romantic feeling will accompany them all year.
Scorpions are very purposeful signs. Seeing their goal, they do not notice obstacles and, as a rule, achieve it. However, their composure, cunning and ambitiousness can play a cruel joke - the White Metal Rat does not welcome self-confidence. Therefore, the horoscope does not recommend in the new year to go ahead and forget about the people around.
In 2020, a lot of work remains. If Libra copes with it and does the job well, they can count on a decent income. Having discovered the excess money, it is best to invest it in profitable assets or real estate. After a couple of years, the investment will pay off with interest. But it’s better to save part of the finances “under the pillow” for a rainy day.
Scorpions who are in search of a life partner will be absorbed in a romantic atmosphere throughout the year. The reason for this is the incredible appeal and charisma.
The main quality that Sagittarius will receive in 2020 is the ability to make good money and properly manage their capital. Usually silent and creative, they are used to waiting for opportunities for a long time and not always using them. They secretly hope that their zeal will be noticed. Therefore, in the new year, Sagittarius will have to throw away uncertainty, and luck will smile at them.
Love makes Sagittarius happy, because he always puts relationships in the first place. Sometimes feelings weaken, and he loses interest in the opposite sex. This leads to frequent breakups and breakups. In the new year there will be several opportunities for creating strong relationships.
Sagittarius in the middle of the year may feel an acute lack of knowledge, so they want to attend courses or get a second education. Passion can develop into a future profession.
Capricorn, as one of the signs of the elements of the Earth, loves to lead and organize others, it is attracted by stability and prosperity. He perceives work as income, therefore he often “goes by the head” to achieve career heights.
The authorities will consistently celebrate achievements and zeal, and employees will envy. At the beginning of the year, the financial situation promises to be desired, but already in June, things will improve markedly.
Capricorns inspire confidence and stability, because they seem to be ideal allies for a strong relationship. They strive to improve the standard of living, love cleanliness and comfort, which is highly valued by the opposite sex. Finding a soul mate in 2020 will not be difficult. Family Capricorns will need to distract from work so that relatives do not feel deprived of attention.
Aquarius and Rat are not very compatible characters. The mistress of the year appreciates constancy and perseverance, while representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to change, change their habits, often remain penniless and do not regret it. Therefore, it should be prepared that the first months of 2020 will become difficult and exhausting.
However, stagnation will soon pass, and Aquarius will fall into the thick of things. There will be many opportunities to improve the financial situation and additional earnings. Loyalty is not exactly the quality of this sign, they can easily flirt and even change. However, they are still popular with the opposite sex, moreover, they are very fond of them. In 2020, the stars favor the creation of a family and strong relationships.
The right way of life is a necessary component of life next year. It is important, first of all, to give up junk food and reduce alcohol consumption, to direct efforts towards prevention and health promotion. Well-being will improve, and there will be forces for new achievements.
The Year of the White Rat will be favorable for Pisces in the professional field. Hard work will bring recognition, increase and increase income. This is the best time for career growth and doing business, strengthening professional ties.
In 2020, Pisces will become more permanent, they will want to establish a serious relationship with a person who seems reliable and honest to them. The whole year will be filled with romance. Family conflicts are expected in the fall, but that won't separate Pisces and their soul mate.
Representatives of the sign are distinguished by excellent health, but many overtime hours at work can undermine it. Good sleep and good nutrition are the most important elements of well-being in the new year.
Astroprognosis for Russia
The predictions made by astrologers about the future of the country are interesting and very useful. The astrological forecast for 2020 for Russia portends good prospects in terms of the economy in the first months. However, at the end of the year, an economic recession is expected due to the global economic crisis.
On the whole, the year looks more joyful than sad for the Russian Federation and its citizens. The state will conclude important allied treaties and strengthen the position of the national army. Although the West does not abolish the imposed sanctions, it only stimulates the production of many products and goods in the country.
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